Case Studies

Automotive OEM saves $270,000 on custom pressure transducer
K-Tec Systems saved an Automotive OEM $270,000 on pressure transducers used for engine testing. Before buying from K-Tec Systems, the customer was buying a pressure transducer from another distributor that only came with 20 foot leads which was more than double the necessary length. Our customer had their technicians cut the cable for each transducer to proper length and install a new connector.
K-Tec Systems called the pressure transducer manufacturer, bought the sensors from the same company and engineered custom solutions with shorter cables to answer our customer’s exact needs. That solution allowed them to save on cable waste, labor cost, and product cost as well. K-Tec’s solution was significantly more inexpensive.
K-Tec Systems brings high-end controlled snow in wind tunnel
One of our OEM customers asked for K-Tec Systems’ expertise to find a custom engineered solution to bring top-end snow indoors for a climatic wind test. At K-Tec Systems, we are certainly not snowmakers but we know how to build strong strategic relationships with other companies to offer our customers the best-advanced engineering solution in the industry.
We partnered with one of the best snowmakers in the U.S., Snow Machines, Inc., to come up with a solution that was able to produce high-quality snow in a small chamber. The custom-engineered solution we designed comes with a control to allow the customer to change the type of snow, with different textures from wet to dry, and to also change the amount of snow necessary for the needs during the indoor test.
With this new custom snow testing solution, our customers will not only save money on testing but will also be provided with a more efficient winter test for engines and HVAC.